Preparation of yarn for weaving

Fiber strength fiber strength is very often the dominating characteristics. The minimum strength for a textile fiber is approximately 6 Ne /Tex. In relation to cotton, the strength of fiber is measured and state is the pressure index. The fiber fineness in one of the three most important characteristics. The fineness determines how many fibers are present in the cross section of a yarn of give thickness. The unit of fiber fineness is mic. Different parameter are depend for fiber fineness spinning limit, drape of the fabric product, yarn strength, luster, yarn evenness, yarn handle, yarn fullness, productivity of the process. A yarn produced from fiber that have been carded but not combed. Carding is a process, which eliminate fiber too short for inclusion in the spun yarn. The process also removes dirt and foreign matter still remaining in the fiber mass and arrangement the fiber into a very dame layers.
Two types of yarn are required for weaving
1.       Warp yarn
2.       Weft yarn
Preparation of warp yarn for weaving
The warp yarn must be sufficiently and uniformly strong to stands the stress and friction of weaving without excessive and breakage. The warp yarn must be uniform clean and less hairy and form less kinds as possible. Knots should be standard type and size so that yarn can easily through the healds and reed of the loom. Each warp must be equal length. If must be fee from neps and loose fibers.
Process sequence for weaving
Yarn from spinning section>>Yarn preparation
Warp yarn preparation>>cone from spinning section>>
        Weft yarn preparation>>Cone from spinning section
Reason of yarn preparation
v   To transfer yarn from spinning bobbin to a convenient package this will facilitate weaving.
v   To remove yarn faults.
v   To improve weaving efficiency.
v   To improve or maintain higher quality of fabric
Different types of package
Parallel wound package
this package comprises many yarns laid parallel to one another as in a warp beams. It is necessary to have flanged.
Near parallel package
this package comprises one or more yarns which are laid very nearly parallel to the layers existing on the package.
Cross wound package
this type usually consists a single yarn which is laid on the package at an appreciable helix angle. so that the layers cross on another and give stability.
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