Cellulose of cotton fiber | common material of plant cell-walls

The existence of cellulose as the common material of plant cell-walls was first recognized by Anselm Payne, a French Chemist, in 1838. The chemical and physical properties of the cellulose fibers, their behavior in dyeing and finishing as well as in practical demonstration is determined to a large extent by the cellulose portion. This is why it is possible to carry out the dyeing to the different cellulose fibers almost in the same manner.

The constitution of cellulose

The elemental analysis shows that cellulose contains 44.4 percent of carbon, 6.2 percent of hydrogen and 49.4 percent of oxygen. This corresponds to an empirical ration of six carbons to ten hydrogen to five oxygen and the simplest formula for cellulose is written (C6H10O5) where n is the polymerization factor i.e. DP.

Cellulosic fibers:

Natural cellulosic fiver: Cotton, Jute, Flax, hemp etc.
Human made cellulosic fiber: Viscose rayon, cuprommoniumm, acetate, triacetate, etc. high density, good absorbency good conductivity of heaf, low resiliency i.e. the ability to quickly recover any change, harmed by mineral acids. Can withstand high temperature. Attacked by mildew, burn in excessive application of heat and give feathery ash.

Fiber Morphology is they stay of the internal structure of fibers i.e. identification analysis and description of the internal structure of fiber.
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