Definition of yarn | different types of yarn | class of yarn

A.        CABLED YARN :- These type of yarn are made by twisting together two or more multi folded plied yarns. In general, it is constructed by twisting the plied yarns around each other successively in the opposite direction the preceding twist, i.e. S/Z/S or Z/S/Z. As a result, the opposite twist direction cause the plies to grip each other and maintain adherence.These yarns are hard, rough and strong Example CORDS.

 B.        SINGLE YARN:- It is the simplest continuous strand of textile material composed of the following:-
i)                    Continuous Filament:- These type of yarn are simplest in structures but they can be subjected to different modifying processes to change their extensibility and other properties. They are of the following types: 1) Mono filament which contains only ONE filament, and 2) Multifilament which contains two or more filaments.
ii)                  Modified continuous filament: The continuous filament yarns which are modified to change their appearance &   other properties are called Modified Continuous Filament. Example: Tetron
iii)                Spun Yarn: Yarn in which a number of small continuous fibers are 
            held together generally by twisting is called spun yarn. They are of 
            two types; 1) Homogenous: Yarn which is spun from only one type                     
            of fiber. Example: 100% Cotton; and
            2) Blended: Yarn which is spun from more than one type of fiber.  
            Example: Polyester Cotton Blended Yarn.

C.        DOUBLED OR MULTIFOLDED YARN:- Doubled or Multi-folded yarns were formerly called ply yarns which must not be confused with ply yarns as they are stronger because they are twisted. They are made by twisting two or more single strands treated as one in the weaving process, but the strands are not twisted together. Doubled yarns are used for ornamental effect; they do off course, contribute a certain amount of additional strength. Because doubled yarns have little twist, they produce luster and softness. Example: Sewing Thread.

D.        COMPLEX YARN:- It is very expensive yarn. It is prepared by using filament yarn in core and spun yarn in surroundings   and vice versa . Example : Core Spun Yarn

E.        FANCY YARN:- Fancy yarns are prepared for decorative purposes. They are made by introducing special form of irregularity or hairiness into either spun or continuous filament yarn. Example: Slub yarn. NOVELTY YARNS:- The spinning process can produce decorative effects by varying the amount of twist or by twisting together yarns of  different diameters, each of which may have different amount of twist in them. Such yarns can give fabrics almost limitless textural effects of various color combinations. Fabrics made of novelty yarns cannot generally be as durable as fabrics made of uniform yarns that have been evenly spun. A safe rule for the consumer is to remember that longer service may the expected from flat, smooth fabrics made from evenly spun yarns rather than from novelty yarns of complex character.

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