What is Cotton | invention of cotton | cotton | kutan | qutn

The word cotton is derived from Arabic language, depending upon the Arabic dialect, it is pronounced as ‘kutan’, ‘Qutn’, ‘Qqutun’.

Nomenclature: As the cotton fiber is obtained from the plant, it is classified as a natural, cellulose, seed, and mono cellular, staple fiber.

Cotton is a soft, staple that grown in a form known as a boll around the seeds of the cotton plant, a shrub native to tropical and subtropical regions around the world, including the Americas, India and Africa.

The fiber most often is spun into yarn or thread and used to make a soft, breathable textile, which is the most widely, used natural-fiber cloth in clothing today.

As of 2007, the ten largest producers of cotton in the world are, 1. PRC, 2. India, 3. the United State, 4. Pakistan, 5. Brail, 6. Uzbekistan, 7. Greece, 9. Turkmenistan and 10. Syria.

The five leading exportes of cotton in 2009 are 1. The United States, 2. India,  3. Uuzbekistan/C15, 4. Brazil and 5. Australia.

The largest non-producing importers are Kkeroa, russia, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong and Bangladesh.
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